Research has shown that depending on the way the pelvic muscles contract and relax, women can experience three types of orgasm - a volcano, an avalanche or a wave.

According to research from Charles University in Prague, women experience three types of orgasm - wave, volcano and avalanche.
The lead researcher of this study, Professor James Faus, shared that the names refer to the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic muscles before and during orgasm.
The study involved 54 women who used a vibrator connected to Bluetooth, which detects the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic muscles.
The researchers found that "wave" orgasms were the most common, with 26 of the 54 women experiencing this type, while 17 had an "avalanche" and 11 had a "volcano" orgasm.
Wave: The most common type of orgasm experienced by women. This is an orgasm characterized by short, alternating contraction and relaxation of the pelvic muscles, that is, by "waves" of contraction and relaxation.
Volcano: In this case there is first a contraction, or tension of the pelvic muscles, which during orgasm "explodes" (like a volcano) in rapid, alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles.
Avalanche: In this case, there is tension, or tightening of the muscles in the pelvis with greater intensity, which begin to relax while the orgasm lasts. Unlike the other types, here there is no alternating tightening and relaxing.

Which orgasm is the best and can you achieve all three?
The muscles in the lower pelvis are key to each of the three orgasms. In this area they find several muscles and ligaments that hold the pelvic organs. These muscles also play a major role in sexual pleasure and orgasms. Before you have an orgasm, these muscles contract, and when the orgasm begins, they relax. It is important to know that there is no best type of orgasm and each of the three types can have a different intensity, depending on the strength of your pelvic muscles. Wave: This is the most common orgasm in women and you usually don't need to have very strong pelvic muscles to experience it. In fact, if you are not very physically active, you are likely to have these orgasms. Avalanche: This orgasm requires stronger pelvic muscles. Meaning, if you exercise, but also if you are under a lot of stress that creates tension in this area, you are more likely to experience this type of orgasm. Vulcano: This orgasm requires even stronger pelvic muscles, because there is no alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles like in the other two types. Instead, the muscles are contracted for a longer period of time, only to relax during the orgasm.

Experts advise not to focus on the types of orgasm, but on the strength of the pelvic muscles because they dictate the intensity.
It is enough to do the so-called Kegel exercises to start feeling greater sexual pleasure.