Just because we can't (or don't want to) go to the gym doesn't mean we should neglect physical activity.
You may not have any exercise equipment at home, but this is no excuse – there are countless exercises that will activate your entire body, and for which you do not need any equipment.
And there are exercises for which you only need something that you already have at home, such as, for example, a towel.
The eight exercises below will help you strengthen almost all muscle groups in the body, and to perform them you only need the most ordinary towel:
Exercise for biceps
Grab the cloth from both sides and step on it with one foot in the middle . Then, as you push down with your leg, raise your arms – as if you were lifting weights. Do 10 repetitions with both legs.
Exercise for triceps
Grab one end of the towel behind your head with your right hand, and grab the other end behind your butt with your left hand. Then move the towel up and down – pull up with your right hand and straighten it completely, and pull it down with your left hand and straighten it completely again. After a few repetitions, switch hands and repeat the exercise.
Exercise for leaves
Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward, slightly apart. Grab the towel from both sides, and place the middle part under one foot. Straighten your back and arms and begin to lean back until you feel a stretch in the calf area. Hold for a few seconds, then repeat with the other leg.
Exercise for the waist
Grab the towel with both hands and lift it over your head. Both arms and legs should be in line with the hips. Turn your upper body to one side without moving your legs, then turn to the other side. Repeat about 10 times.
Leg exercise
Grab the towel with both hands and lift it over your head. Straighten your back and at the same time turn your upper body to the right and lift your right leg as in the illustration. After a few repetitions, do the same on the other side, with the other leg.
Exercise for the butt
Lie on the floor, bend your legs and place the towel under your feet. Place your hands beside your body and lift your buttocks. Push the towel forward with your feet, then bring it back. Perform the exercise more slowly to avoid injury.
Leg stretching exercise
Lie on your back and bend your legs. Grasp the towel on both sides, lift one leg straight and place the middle part of the towel on the toes, as in the illustration.
With your hands, pull the foot towards you until you feel a stretch in the leg. Hold for a few seconds, then repeat with the other leg.
Leg exercise
Stand up straight – your legs should be in line with your shoulders. Place the towel under one foot, then slowly slide it back. Bend the other knee and touch the floor with the knee of the back leg. Then slowly return to the starting position. Do several repetitions with both legs.