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7 reasons why you should start walking every morning

A morning walk will energize you, help you burn excess fat, and may even make you more productive.

If you usually don't have time for a full workout, you can make a big difference if you start walking in the morning.

It is enough to set aside about half an hour for a walk, and if you don't have that much time, you can start walking to work.

A few reasons why it is good to walk every morning:

A short walk in the morning improves concentration

Numerous studies have shown that a morning walk can improve concentration and prepare your brain for the upcoming work day.

A walk before breakfast will help you lose weight faster

A 2022 study found that overweight men lost weight faster when they walked about an hour before a meal, compared to men who exercised after a meal.

A more recent study from 2022 obtained the same results – subjects who walked before breakfast achieved results faster than those who exercised afterwards.

Exercising in the morning improves sleep quality

If you have trouble sleeping, try walking in the morning. According to some research , morning physical activity can regulate sleep.

On the other hand, exercising late at night can have the opposite effect, so avoid exercising a few hours before bed.

A walk at any time of the day reduces the risk of heart problems

Research shows time and time again that walking, no matter what time of day, can dramatically reduce the risk of heart problems.

Walking, even brisk walking, improves circulation and lowers blood pressure.

A morning walk increases productivity

A morning walk can energize you better than coffee. And, because you will feel better and fresher, you will also be more productive.

You will burn excess fat

If you go for a walk in the morning, before breakfast, you will help the body burn excess fat.

Since there will be no new calories in the body, during the walk before breakfast the stored fats will begin to burn. This will speed up the weight loss process.

After the morning walk, the body will continue to burn calories

When you finish your walk, your body will continue to burn calories.

This also means that the body will burn more calories from your breakfast than usual.

At the same time, it is recommended to eat about half an hour after the walk, but also to drink water before starting it.

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